This Wedding.
7:22 AM
Everything about the wedding was just beautiful, the memories, the reminiscing, the people you realize you care of, the flowers, the place and of course the beautiful glow on the Mr and Mrs' faces.
Everything was beautiful.
Of course there we little accidents and all but nothing is perfect. It is when you can accept the imperfection and see it in a good way, that's when everything will fall in place and be perfect.
I'll just say that, even with only almost one third of the day spent with the bride out of the many days of the ceremony ( I could only attend the reception) I know very well that they are happy and everyone else are happy for them too.
To Sya and Nadhil, you'll always be blessed and will always be a blessing, irreplaceable, not matter what; to each other. Take care of each other and take the next step to the journey called life, together.
I wish you were here with me on this beautiful day.
Blessings for the beautiful souls.